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March 25, 2009

Five Ways to Get a Life

Remember me saying I'm trying to shred the paper in my life? I clipped this article from the May 2005 issue of O, the Oprah Magazine (it's reprinted here without permission). To read the article, click on the image to enlarge it. I love O because it often makes me pause and think. In this article, I especially like numbers 4 & 5. But as far as time management goes, I think I've lost all the time I've saved by following these suggestions to time spent managing all the "helpful hints" I clip and save.

So, as my shredder clicks on, I'll offer you a challenge: What's your best five suggestions for life? Let me know in a comment below.


  1. Ha! That's funny- I spend a lot of time managing paper, because I'm always afraid of throwing away some good idea. The hazards of being a writer...
    5 best suggestions for life, as of 3.25.09 at 10:10pm:
    1. love with abandon
    2. say hello to strangers
    3. call your grandparents
    4. play with children
    5. laugh as often as possible

    That's my 2 cents at the moment...

  2. That's actually why I started the blog, Angela....I'm forever clipping blurbs about stuff to do in LA with my parents when they visit, and forgetting where the clippings are when my visitors are here. So, blog, and then shred! This filing system seems to work better, thanks to the searchable-by-category function.

    Thanks for your great suggestions! I actually had a long conversation with a stranger today on my dog walk. Claire (my dog) greeted a resting rollerblader, and we had a great conversation about her passed dog and grieving. I think both Claire and I brightened the lady's day.

  3. Yeah, those 5 things I wrote seem trite now. But they're actually true, aren't they? That's nice that you brightened that woman's day. I don't have a dog but I walk almost every day and have a TON of conversations. I literally have a different experience of the neighborhood than my husband or our friends who live in the same area, because I feel like I know so many more people than they do (and pets along the route as well).

    That's SO funny about clipping things to do in L.A. with your parents and then losing the clipping. OMG- I have so many Travel sections and clips from Travel sections I had to get an entire FILE BOX for them, and then when we go somewhere I say "Oh, I have an article about that and it suggested a great restaurant or whatever..." and of course I can't find the article! It's really pathetic. My husband teases me about it, good-naturedly of course.
    I like the idea of using the blog and then shredding the paper because I've got a lot of decluttering to do this year.

    I have a question- I noticed you're a "follower" of my blog now (thanks), but what exactly does that mean? I have you "bookmarked" so I can easily get to your blog, what's different or good about being a follower?

  4. "Following" is just a way to subscribe to a feed through Google Reader. Find more info here:

  5. Thanks Ellen! I'll check that out...
